The Rose Theodora Podcast

Retrogrades and why they're a godsend during the pandemic.

Episode Summary

In this episode, Rose shares a personal experience that she has on a trip home during a Mercury retrograde. She touches on the upcoming retrogrades–Pluto, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, and Mars–all in 2020, and why their timing is so fitting for the pandemic, how Mercury will be retrograde three times (as opposed to four), each time in a different water sign this year, and what it means to be born with retrograde planets in the birth chart, and how to work with retrogrades constructively. This episode is full of nuggets about the importance of timing, rebirth, rediscovery, and how, when we are open to the natural cycles of life, rather than fighting them, we reap the rewards.

Episode Notes

In This Episode Rose talks about:  

Retrogrades [22:24]

Pluto Retrograde [39:46], April 25 – October 4

Saturn Retrograde [33:16], May 11 – September 29

Venus in the natal chart [28:28]

Venus Retrograde [29:36], May 15 – June 25

Jupiter Retrograde [38:00], May 14 – May 12

Mercury Retrograde dates: 

February 17 – March 10 in Pisces 

June 18 – July 12 in Cancer 

October 14 – November 3 in Scorpio 

Mars [42:00], September 9 – November 14

Natal Retrograde Placements [24:30]


The meaning of the prefix Re- "Again."



Maslow's Triangle

Healing through regression Holistic healing


Water signs

Mercury Retrograde as a marketing ploy

Retrograde Motion, the phenomena behind retrogrades

Astronomical definition – when a planet is retrograde