The Rose Theodora Podcast

Episode One | Pluto–Love, Death, Empowerment and the Pandemic

Episode Summary

This is the first episode in series 1 of the Rose Theodora Podcast. She provocatively tells a story about how, on a date to the symphony, in the company of love–she experienced the awareness of death. How the current pandemic came about through a series of planetary alignments and why we're all so freaked out. How preparedness directly relates to Saturn and how the effects of Pluto stem from the collective unconscious and personal fear. This episode is poetic and probes the meaning of our existence, and will surely comfort you if you've forgotten the importance of living life to the fullest.

Episode Notes


In This Episode Rose talks about:  

The current Pandemic and deeper meaning

The symbolic representations of art and allegory

Death / Rebirth

The Dance of Death / Danse Macabre

Composer Camille Saint-Saëns

Poet Henri Cazalis


LA Phil

Disney Concert Hall

The Seven Wandering Planets: visible to the naked eye: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

Eclipse Cycles: Capricorn / Cancer axis: from July 12, 2018 – July 4, 2020. Balancing themes of Family structure, work, material security – emotional security, family, home.

Saturn in Capricorn December 19, 2017 – December 17,  2020.  Represents – governments, corporations, tradition, social structures, authority figures, and establishments. There is a preoccupation with material wealth and status.

Saturn in Aquarius March 21, 2020 – March 7, 2023. Represents – the form of ideas and intellectual matters. Occults, groups, humanitarian causes, the people, rational, innovative, outside of the box future-oriented ideas, no profit motivation, science, and astrology.

Pluto in Capricorn January 5, 2008 – January 24, 2021. Represents – the death and rebirth of Capricorn themes

Jupiter in Capricorn December 3, 2019 – December 18, 2020. Represents – the expansion and growth, the evolution of Capricorn themes

Saturn / Pluto conjunction on January 12, 2020. Initiating a new 33-year cycle, and collective themes related to Capricorn – a redistribution of power and authority.

Creating and manifesting–experiencing life from a place of inner harmony

New and Full Moon meanings

The I Ching

Hexagrams 48 + 49


Memento Mori

The Cycle of Life

Planetary Alignments

Music of the Spheres